The Emails section in Cluster Branding/Tenant Branding shows the list of email templates that can be branded. Each email template has a pre-defined set of variables that are supported. Keep in mind that one variable used in one template may not be supported in another template.
Here is the list of variables supported in email templates.
Variables applies to all email templates:
- {ProductName}: 'Product Name' under Branding->General
- {CustomServiceEmail}: 'Feedback Email' under Branding->General
- {BrandedHost}: In tenant branding->General, the value in 'Customized URL for your business'. If 'Customized URL for your business' is not defined, use 'hostname' for Centrestack server
- {OrgName}: Organization name for the tenant
Welcome Email for New Tenant:
- {FirstName}: First name for the tenant admin
- {ExternalDNS}: External URL defined for the worker node
- {Password}: When create a new tenant, if choose 'Let system generate password', show the random password generated
Welcome Email for New Team User:
- {FirstName}: First name for the new user
- {Username}: login email for the new user
- {Password}: password for the new user
- {ExternalDNS}: External URL defined for the worker node
Welcome Email for New Guest User:
- {FirstName}: First name for the new guest user
- {Username}: login email for the new guest user
- {Password}: password for the new guest user
- {ExternalDNS}: External URL defined for the worker node
Email for File/Folder Share:
- {ProductName}: 'Product Name' under Branding->General
- {FileFolder}: When share a file, shows 'File'. When share a folder, shows 'Folder'
- {FirstName}: Firstname for the user who receives the share
- {LastName}: Lastname for the user who receives the share
- {UserEmail}: The email for the user who receives the share
- {Notes}: Notes added when create the share
- {ShareName}: The share name the owner specified when create the share
- {ShareUrl}: The URL to access the share
- {ExpirationTime}: The share expiration time
- {ShareStamp}: The branded File Share Stamp icon defined under Web Portal branding. For example: <img src="{ExternalDNS}{ShareStamp}" alt="share stamp" />
Request a File:
- {UserName}: The user name for the owner who sends the request to others
- {ReqLink}: The link to upload the file
Notify external user that shared file changed:
- {FilePath}: The full path for the updated file
Admin Reset User Password Email:
- {FirstName}: First name for the user whose password is reset by admin
- {PasswordMessage}: The password specified by the admin
User Reset Password Email:
- {FirstName}: First name for the user who reset the password
- {ResetPwdScript}/{ForgetPwdTicket}: Used together to generate the link to reset the password
New Sign-in Action Email:
- {FirstName}: First name for the user who logs in the new browser
- {Email}: email for the user who logs in the new browser
- {IP}: IP for the new device
- {Device}: The browser type
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