Creating a Blob storage with Azure is very easy. This article will show you can you can create a blob storage and assign it to a new CentreStack Tenant in about 5 minutes. You can click on the images to enlarge them on a separate window if the details are too small to see.
Step 1: Access your Azure Portal Dashboard, then select "Storage accounts" from the left menu.
Step 2: Click on the Add button to create a new storage account.
Step 3: Choose a globally unique name for your storage. The secure transfer optional is not required, but it is highly recommended. Create a new resource group container, or select an existing resource group if you already have one.
Step 4: Once the new storage container is created, return to the storage accounts page on the left menu and select your container name. Click on the Containers option under the Blob Service section of your container.
Step 5: Open a new browser tab and go to CentreStack's Tenant Dashboard with a cluster or tenant administrator account. Click on the Add New Tenant button.
Step 6: Fill out the properties of the new tenant.
Step 7: On the Default Storage page, select to use Cloud Storage. Select the Windows Azure Blob option from the drop-down menu. Click on the Continue button to proceed to the next step.
Step 8: Return to the Azure Portal tab on your browser and copy the Container's primary blob service endpoint URL. Paste this value into the Blob URL textbox on the CentreStack's Azure Blob Account Information page.
Step 9: On the Azure Portal's storage details->Settings->Access Keys, copy key1. Paste this value into the Primary Access Key textbox on the CentreStack's Azure Blob Account Information page. Click on the Continue button.
Step 10: Enter a new container name in the appropriate textbox. Be sure to enter only lowercase characters. Click on the Finish button.
If the process is successful, you will be redirected to the dashboard of your new tenant. On the bottom-right panel you will see Windows Azure assigned to the Back-end storage of your new tenant. If you have any issues, please don't hesitate to open a support ticket by sending an email to
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