Server agent can migrate local share to cloud. It creates a cloud folder, and syncs it with local folder. It migrates users who has access to the share to cloud, with correct permission. The user is migrated as Proxied AD user.
To migrate local share, install server agent on the machine which hosts the shares. After the installation, open server agent management console. In the console, click 'Migrate CIFS Share'. It will show the existing shares from the server. Click 'Migrate' for the share to migrate.
By default, the folder in the cloud uses the local share's name. Can change it if needed. Click 'Continue'
In the migration settings, can migrate user and folder permission together with the data. Can also click 'User List', to see the list of users who will be migrated. Can choose which user should be migrated, which user should not. However, the setting here only controls the initial migration.
Can choose to sync folder permission automatically. Once checked, after the migration, if the permission on the local source folder changes, server agent will sync the permission to cloud. If a new user is added, the user will be migrated as proxied AD user. Keep in mind that it will migrate all users who has permission defined in the share.
Once enable auto permission sync, can choose to only import user who has access to team folder. In the source share, for users under the Share permission, they will be migrated as 'Collaborators' in the team folder. When check 'only import user who has access to team folder', during the permission sync, server agent will check whether a user is defined as the Collaborators for the cloud folder. If it is, the user will be imported. If it is not, the user will not be imported.
Sometimes for a large share, only some users need to have access on the cloud side. In that case, define those users as Collaborators on web portal and check the setting 'only import user who has access to team folder'.
After the import, the cloud folder will be published as team folder.
. Can force server agent to sync the permission again. As tenant admin on web portal, go to 'Management Console', Team Folders. Here, click 'Sync share permission' button on the top right corner of the team folder.
. Can also update the permission settings when edit the team folder. Here, go to Settings, Permissions.
1 comment
Talk about the user that Centrestack creates and the additional Licenses it needs and that they can deletet after import - Thanks Roland
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