The Mac client has a daemon process, macclientshell. The daemon process has to keep running, for Mac client to work.
Sometimes, starting Mac client hits the error 'Filed to connect to client daemon, please check if it is running'.
Fix 1:
. Make sure the Mac client is not running.
. In Finder, go to /Users/Shared
. Delete the folder 'CloudDrive'.
. Restart mac client
If still see the error, check
Fix 2:
. To check whether the daemon is running, open Terminal and run 'ps -ef | grep macclientshell'
. If somehow the client daemon is not running, the command cannot find the process.
When start the mac client, still hit the error. In this case, can start the daemon process manually.
Open Terminal and run
sudo "/Applications/Gladinet Cloud Mac" > $HOME/Documents/macclientshell.log
The command will start the macclientshell and redirect the output to $HOME/Documents/macclientshell.log. The process will keep running. If the process stops, please share the log file with Gladinet support.
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